Reconnection – Research – Region

Reconnection with the vibrant growth and elements of nature – plants, stone, water, and wind – can revitalize our health and spirit while strengthening our shared sense of place. Natural elements arranged to compose pictures, spaces, and movement through space reconnect people to the landscape they inhabit. Different aspects of light, color, shape, fragrance, scale, and rhythm evoke a variety of emotional responses…reverence, energy, relaxation… that foster a bond between natural elements, the senses, the psyche and the soul to re-store, re-new, re-fresh.

Research integrated into the design process ensures that the elements of nature are used wisely to restore health and spirit. An artful landscape by itself is not enough. Empirical studies combined with anecdotal observations provide an evidence-based set of design guidelines that promote comfort, health, and well-being. SPROUT utilizes relevant and current research that validates the connection between design features and benefits. We scrutinize our built projects through post-occupancy evaluations to determine what works best to achieve design goals and share these outcomes with the community.

Regional sensitivity acknowledges that the landscapes in which we live, work, play, and heal are interdependent with the greater indigenous environment. Through continuing education and community involvement, we strive to improve our local environment by incorporating the latest technologies in soil preservation and enhancement, constructing with local and recycled materials, and preserving and cleansing water while restoring wildlife habitat. SPROUT’s place-making designs premised on our “Three R’s,”Reconnection – Research – Region, promote sustainable practices with positive cultural, ecological, and health outcomes.